Shawn Purcell

I am a full-time psychology professor in the Behavioral Sciences Department at College of Marin.  When I first began teaching as a part-time instructor at COM in 2004, I was simultaneously employed at St. Mary’s College in the Masters of Psychology program and at Samuel Merritt College in the Physical Therapy Doctoral Program.   I attended U.C. Davis and St. Mary’s for my undergraduate and post-graduate degrees.  The first online course I taught, back in 2007, was Drugs and Behavior, which I really enjoyed and first gained a passion for online instruction.  I am very excited to see the further of online teaching and look forward to all the advances that are soon to come.

Online Learning Courses

  • BEHS 118 Drugs and Behavior
  • PSY 114 Psychological Development Over the Lifespan

Tips for Success in my Online Courses

Those enrolled in my courses should plan to spend 6-9 hours a week on the course.  Each week students will be completing readings, videos, and a weekly lesson, discussion post, quiz.  In addition, students will complete a final research paper that will require critical thinking and personal reflection.  These courses require students to be active in the course on a weekly basis and will require students to stay active over the course of the semester to maintain their enrollment status.

Additional information

If you have any questions about my courses feel free to contact me. Email is the best way to reach me.

Office hours and current courses
